In 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, Paul admonished the members to act
in a manner as becometh Saints. He proceeded to list appropriate
attributes and behaviors. In verse 19 Paul counseled with these four simple words: “Quench not the Spirit.”
Interestingly, some 500 years before Paul’s writings, a Book of Mormon prophet named Jacob sought to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ
to a resistant people. He boldly inquired of them as follows: “Will ye
reject the words of the prophets; and will ye … deny the good word of
Christ, … and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and quench the Holy Spirit?
In our day, so many centuries after both Paul and Jacob, we too must be careful not to hinder, disregard, or quench the Spirit in our lives.
beckoning invitations of the world attempt to divert our attention from
the strait and narrow path. The adversary labors to dull our
sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit, whether we are teenagers,
young adults, or mature men and women. The role of the Spirit, the Holy
Ghost, is essential in every season of our mortal lives.
From the beginning the Father has promised each of His spirit sons and daughters that through the Atonement and Resurrection of His Beloved Son, we all might return to God’s presence and inherit the blessings of eternal life in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.
of us knew that the journey to exaltation would be long, strenuous, and
sometimes lonely, but we also knew that we would not travel alone.
Heavenly Father provides all who fulfill the prerequisites of faith,
repentance, and baptism with a companion and guide, the Holy Ghost.
path to eternal life is not on a plateau. Rather, it is an incline,
ever onward and upward. Hence, ever-increasing spiritual understanding
and energy are required to reach our destination. Because the pernicious
opposition by Satan continues, the continuous enlightened guidance of
the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential. We dare not hinder, disregard,
or quench the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Yet when it comes to
drawing upon the promptings and the blessings which flow from the Holy
Ghost, we often “live far beneath our privileges."
In the Pearl of Great Price, Moses recorded that Adam, having been baptized and having received the Holy Ghost, “became quickened in the inner man.
we invite the Holy Ghost to fill our minds with light and knowledge, He
“quickens” us, that is to say, enlightens and enlivens the inner man or
As a result we notice a measurable difference in our soul. We feel
strengthened, filled with peace and joy. We possess spiritual energy and
enthusiasm, both of which enhance our natural abilities. We can
accomplish more than we otherwise could do on our own. We yearn to
become a holier person.
you wish to know the price to be paid for the privileges that are
offered after we have received the Holy Ghost? The price is not a
predetermined or fixed amount; rather, it is determined by each of us
If you set your payment, which is your personal effort, very low, you may not be able to avail yourself of all
the Spirit has to offer. You may even quench the Spirit! However, if
you set your personal contribution high, you will reap an abundant
harvest from the Spirit. The payment I reference is, of course, not
money; rather, it is a greater commitment to and involvement in personal
spiritual endeavors and behaviors.
determine the level of our current personal contribution by examining
our present choices and priorities against questions such as these:
Do I spend more time with sports than Church attendance or callings?
If I have a free day, do I choose to attend the temple or to visit the mall?
Do I resort to
computer games or surfing the Internet rather than offering meaningful
service to others in my home and community?
Do I read the newspaper religiously but find it difficult to read the scriptures daily?
There are other questions you might formulate which will reveal the appropriateness of your current choices and priorities.
level of spiritual development each of us may presently have, there
always exists a higher level within our reach. Time is a most precious
asset. Would you consider investing more of your time in the things of
eternity in order to merit the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost
and to benefit more fully from His influence?
your answer is yes, the initial offering in this pursuit of deeper
spirituality is an intensified desire to receive greater inspiration and
to become more holy. When these desires fill our hearts, we will
eagerly increase the price we pay for heaven’s help.
next contribution to this effort will be to immerse ourselves more
consistently in the words of Christ and of the prophets. When our study
efforts expand, so will the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives
increase. Let us search the scriptures with pen in hand, making note of
new insights and recording spiritual promptings. Thereafter, let us
strive to apply what has been learned to our personal lives. The
Spirit will quicken our inner selves; new understanding will come
precept upon precept.
ensure we quench not the Spirit, but rather invite His presence, there
is another step to take. Let us pray frequently and fervently. The
Savior’s tender and comprehensive promise is recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants:
“Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.”
“Seek me diligently and ye shall find me.”
“Ask, and ye shall receive.”
“Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
“Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you, that is expedient for you.”5
that sequence, brothers and sisters. We draw nearer to the Savior as we
keep His commandments with exactness. We earnestly petition the Father
in the name of Christ. Then, through the promptings of the Holy Ghost,
we receive divine direction and clear understanding.
As we fast, renew our covenants during the sacrament,
and attend the temple, we further access the Spirit. In these settings
the Holy Ghost may manifest His influence with great impact.
temple is a marvelous environment to seek personal revelation. When we
attend as often as we can and listen thoughtfully, pondering the
glorious promises and expectations pertaining to eternity, we depart
with heightened understanding of our Heavenly Father’s plan for us. The
Holy Ghost extends our vision and allows that eternal perspective to
influence the decisions we make in our daily lives.
we undertake this effort and quench not the Spirit, our inner being is
quickened. As we persevere, eternal life awaits us. Thus, we dare not
quench the Spirit through disobedience or neglect. Rather, let us “live
in the Spirit,” enhancing the sacred and essential role of the Holy Ghost in our
individual lives. I testify that as we truly seek the Spirit, we shall
benefit more fully from the quiet, but essential, workings of the Holy
Ghost. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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