Wednesday 26 March 2014

How to Manage Your Time

These days, time seems to be at a premium. We have devices that keep us constantly connected with work, with friends and family, and sometimes even with complete strangers. As a result, it's easy to get distracted. If you're like most of us, you have a lot to accomplish. We'll show you a great way to do just that!


Manage Your Time Step 1 Version 2.jpg
Prepare yourself first, by taking 30 minutes of your time to fix yourself something to eat and relax. Then Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish. But before you can manage your time, you need to know what it is you must manage. A list of tasks, from the mundane to the critical, will help you get a handle on what needs to get done.
  • Assign realistic priorities to each task:
    • Priority 1: due today by 6pm
    • Priority 2: due tomorrow by 6pm
    • Priority 3: due by the end of the week
    • Priority 4: due during next week
  • You can further prioritize tasks within this grouping by adding a decimal place. For example, a Priority 1.0 task needs to be done immediately, whereas a Priority 1.5 task simply needs to be done by the end of day.
  1. Manage Your Time Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Balance your effort. Work on small portions every day of work that will be due by the end of the week, starting with the most important tasks first.
    • Do today's tasks. Concentrate On what is at hand, do not allow yourself to lose focus. Then move on to the next daily task. Once today's tasks are completed, mark them as such, and proceed to tomorrow's tasks.
    • When tomorrow's tasks are complete, work on the other tasks due by the end of the week, and when those are complete, work on the tasks due early next week. A small portion of each is better than one huge,laborious task and will keep your time managed more efficiently and reduce stress and eliminate burn-out.
    • Make one of your final daily tasks the completion of tomorrow's task list. Each day should be ended with a new task sheet for tomorrow to keep you on track.
  2. Manage Your Time Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Focus on your most productive time of day. Some people work better in the morning, and some are more focused in the evening.
  3. Manage Your Time Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Manage time in increments. Play a game with yourself by competing against the clock.
    • Work in fifteen minute, half hour or hour intervals,scientifically it is known that 45 minutes work followed by a 10 minutes rest is the best for the average studier.

    • Give yourself a time goal to complete a portion of a task or the entire task.
  4. Manage Your Time Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Take a break. Clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus.
    • Decide beforehand on a 5, 10 or 15 minute break and stick to that decision.
    • Breaks provide incentive by giving you something to look forward to having.
  5. Manage Your Time Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    Keep track of your progress.
    • Cross things off the list as they are completed.
    • You'll feel more relieved and relaxed just by getting through the daily tasks. Not only will you be getting things done, finishing tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment and spur motivation.
  6. Manage Your Time Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    Reassess the list. Rewrite and prioritize your list on a regular basis.
    • Add new tasks to the list. This should be done on a daily basis, especially when you are just getting started with a time management regimen.
    • Eliminate or adjust tasks that are completed, or fall in priority.
    • Delegate tasks to others. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to do it all. You can be much more effective if you can delegate tasks as necessary.
    • Use technology to complete tasks more quickly, efficiently or accurately. Today's mobile technology features dozens, if not hundreds of apps that will help you manage—and even accomplish—your tasks efficiently.
  7. Manage Your Time Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    Leave time for fun. While there are times when we just need to power through a large project, it's important to give yourself time to let loose. Not only will it refresh your mind, it's good for your body, too. It doesn't have to be a lot of time but make sure that you do!
  8. Manage Your Time Step 9 Version 2.jpg
    Sleep for 7-9 hours every night. Getting the proper amount of sleep will help keep you alert and energetic, able to think clearly, and function at a high level. 

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