Friday 19 December 2014

How to prepare and become a wife material before marriage

How to prepare and become a wife
material before marriage

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good
thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.
(Proverbs 18:22 KJV)

It is interesting to note that the scripture
above says, He that findeth a wife, not a
sister, not a girl, but a wife! In other
words, you must be a wife material before
being found.

You see, the scripture cannot be broken.
It is the wife material that would be
found, not any other thing! So the next
question is how does one become a wife

First of all, we will attempt to answer that
question by looking at what a wife
material is not. Sometimes, you find out
what something is by studying what it is

You are not a wife material when
1. You are lazy
When you read through who a virtuous
woman is in the scriptures, you will know
that laziness is not part of the virtue
being described there. If you have doubts,
go through Proverbs 31: 10 – 31. Listen
to me, if you are lazy, you need to start
working on that now, so that it will not
affect your marriage eventually after
marriage. A good wife should now how to
cook. A good wife is a homemaker.
Women are usually multipliers. Start to
discipline yourself and learn the basic

It is not exactly like a wife should become
the house help, and I am not advocating
that the husband should do nothing at
home. It’s so simple, a wife should not
be lazy. How do you know you are lazy?
Somebody would have told you! If your
mum or dad has ever told you that you
are lazy, it is true! Don’t argue, just say
mum, how can I make adjustments? Be
humble! Don’t wait for your husband to
confirm that!

2. You are sleeping around
You are not a wife material when you are
still sleeping around and you are generous
with your body! It is a direct violation of
God’s way of doing things and such
lifestyle will bring difficulties into your life.
The way of the transgressor is hard! A
wife material is not into “aristo!”

3. You are spiritually irresponsible
A wife material should develop her self
spiritually. You need that spiritual
maturity to help you balance your role as
a wife-to-be, mother-to-be and
sometimes combining that with a vibrant

4. You are not accountable
Accountability is powerful. As a young
lady, who are your mentors? Who are you
accountable to? Who can you call on
phone when you have issues and you will
get good counsel? Are you a tither? Do
you honour God with your time and
service? Are you serving in your local

5. You are selfish
A wife material is selfless. You don’t
consider yourself alone! Marriage is about
being selfless. Two people who are
married and are selfish will soon crash
their marriage. Marriage can only survive
when the two people involved love
themselves genuinely and are not selfish.

6. You are already living with him
You are not a wife material by living in
his house when you are not yet married.
One of the marks of being a wife material
is to respect your body and honour God
with it. But when you are already involved
in jeru trap repeatedly and without
repentance, you are not really honouring
your body! Don’t travel over to meet him
where he is and then spend days with
him. If you do that, you will be sowing
wrong seeds into that relationship and
you are not going to have God’s support
and favour doing that.

What if you are already doing that? Park
out of his house! You are not married!
What if I park out and he leaves me?
Then he is not your husband!

Your husband will be willing to wait for
you. That is how you carve some respect
for yourself.

When you look at the concept of a “wife”
in the scriptures, it says, you are a help
meet for him. Your entrance into his life
translates into favour for the family!

Are you preparing yourself in that regard?
You see God is not an author of
confusion, so He will not bring into your
life what you are not ready for! Are you
really ready for marriage? Do you love
yourself? Are you really single in the
sense of it? Have you gone past that
stage where you are looking for someone
to complete you?

It is a wife material that would be found.
Not any other thing, so my challenge to
ladies this morning is, are you a wife

I pray for you this morning, that God will
open your eyes the more and help you to
be better prepared, and to be found by
your husband! You will be found in Jesus
name! I curse every operations of the
Spirit of delay in your life and declare that
God’s counsel over your life will stand in
Jesus name!

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